Sunday, July 1, 2012

Page 23) March 2, 1999

Today your mom misunderstood something I said to her and she crabbed at me.  You told her "don't talk to my Grandma like that, it's not nice".  Thank you Kenzie.
March 8th
You looked at your bare tummy today and said, "I'm brown".
March 20th
We [Rekha, GG & you] were in McDonalds for dinner [french fries] and you had to go potty. You left the play area and marched to the restroom singing...."I have to go potty, I have to go potty, I have to go potty".
I was drying your new pajamas with the hairdryer, while they were on you.  The clothes dryer hadn't quite get the crotch dry. I pulled the material away from your crotch but accidentally pinched your penis..."ouch!" you said.
  "I'm sorry" I said. "I'll give you a kiss" and kissed your cheek.  "no Grandma, kiss my penis" and you started to unzip your PJs right down to the crotch and exposed your penis. You are such a preciuos boy.  I will love you forever.
We were playing with plastic easter eggs and we discussed the color peach and lavendar.
April 4th Happy Easter
Today you walked on your toes, curled under, just like Uncle Conan [my brother] did when he was little.
Kenzie, "Grandma, I want a piece of candy". GG, "no Kenzie". K, "why?" GG, "because you need real food first". K, " I don't like real food, I like candy". GG, "N-O spells no". K, "A-B-C yes".
April 19th
What a wonderful, beautiful, kind boy you are.  You say your name is 'Jason'. We play baseball in the living room with a soft ball.  You are a great hitter and pitcher.  When the ball rolls down the stairs, I tell you go get it because your legs are younger than mine. K, "I can't, I have a bone in my leg".
Aunt Kathryn was picking you up by the ears, covering them up, Kenzie, "I can't talk".
May 15th
You are Grandma's special boy.  I brought up the trampoline from the basement to the living room, because you love to jump on everything.  I was singing and you were bouncing and turning and you said, " bouncing makes me happy". You are a happy cheerful boy, always singing; 'she sailed away', 'I love you' [Barney], 'Pop goes the weasel' and 'this old man' etc.

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