Saturday, July 14, 2012

My brain just doesn't want to think very hard.

You would think that anyone who 'thinks' all day, would be able to put a few words down on paper. 
Just start putting one word after another and pretty soon, you might have something to share.  Of course, if I wanted to complain, I would have plenty to say.  I could just start listing the things that I'm thankful for, but I'm too lazy to do that.  I know, I'll just start with what I did so far today, and maybe that will lead to something profound to write about.  Today is Saturday.  My cat was digging at my covers with his front paws, just past 6 o'clock this morning, trying to wake me up. I can't imagine what in the world is so important to a cat at 6ish in the morning, that wouldn't/couldn't wait until 7ish to wake me up for.  Anyway, I'm awake and need to go to the bathroom.  Thank goodness I didn't drink all the cold coffee in my cup last night, because it sure was tasty this morning and I didn't have to wait for the coffee maker to s  l  o  w  l  y spit out caffeine.  Grab the coffee, leash Lily dog and parade in front of my apartment whispering "potty Lily potty Lily" to a very obstinate dog.  I have never experienced a dog that didn't pee the minute it's paws touched the grass.  What is her problem?  She sniffs and sniffs and sniffs every single blade of grass [while I'm chanting 'good girl - good girl hoping to speed up the infernal process] to find the 'perfect' one to christen.   Finally, she has granted me my wish and has relieved herself. We run upstairs to get the all important 'treat' that makes life worth living. After double checking on 'craigslist' - GARAGE SALE 7AM, I grab a few raspberries, ignore the bird tasks and take my $20.00 and head out to the first yard sale.  My hobby is yard saleing. There are so many treasures to find and so little time to find them.  Garage sales in NC are one day only and from 7am to noon. That's it.....For the whole week. I have to wait seven more days to find treasures.  Today I bought TJ a 'Wonder Pet' flying boat with all the characters for $2.00.  Until yesterday, I didn't even know what 'Wonder Pets' was.  I bought pencils and paper for the YMCA summer camp.  Sometimes TJ goes to 'play room' while I pedal a stationary  I bought a book that looks like a 1950's vintage girl's cook book.  I hope it sell on 'Ebay" for $10.00.  The $1.00 GI JOE I bought last week has a $10.00 bid on it [free shipping].  Let's hope more than one person would like to have it.  That would send the bid higher. I bought a $2.00 pair of kids cowboy boots that sold for $27.56.  It pays to have a hobby [yard saleing] that puts spending money in my pocket.  There is also a used/resale book store near here, that buys books, DVDs, CDs and such.  Dang, I was so hungry [I was to meet my friend at 9 AM for breakfast] that I bought a homemade zucchini, pecan chocolate chip muffin at yard sale.  YUM

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