Thursday, July 5, 2012

Book.... 'Torin's Day'

It's 7 o'clock in the morning.........TJ wakes up, climbs out of his big boy bed and toddles into his parents room. “Good morning Sunshine” says his Mommy. She picks him up and gives him the biggest bear hug ever.

It's 8 o'clock in the morning.........Time for breakfast. TJ is sitting in his big boy chair in the kitchen, watching his Daddy make pancakes.  “Lots of butter on my cakes, please”, says TJ.  “I love you Hunny Bunny”, says Mommy when she leaves for work. “Have a nice day Mommy” says TJ.

It's 9 o'clock in the morning.........Time for Grandma GG to come over and play with TJ.  “Good morning GG!” shouts TJ.

It's 10 o'clock in the morning.........Time to go to the park.  “Say good bye to Daddy TJ; he has to go to work.” says GG.  “I love Daddy!” shouts TJ.  “Lets rock and roll” says GG.  “Do you want to play at the blue park or the tree house first?” asks GG. No Reply…

It's 11 o'clock in the morning.........Time for snack. “Let's eat at the picnic table” says GG to TJ. We have grapes, juice, cheese and crackers. “Yum” says TJ.

It's 12 o'clock in the afternoon.........Time for lunch.  "Would you like peanut butter and jelly?” GG asks TJ.  “Yes, please”, says TJ.

It's 1 o'clock in the afternoon.........Time for a bike ride. “Push those pedals! Push those pedals! Right, left, right, left!” shouts GG. 

It's 2 o'clock in the afternoon.........“Hunny Bunny, climb into your car seat so you can take a nap”  says GG.  The only way to get TJ to take a nap is to drive him around.  When he has fallen asleep, GG drives TJ home and carries him into the house.

It's 3 o'clock in the afternoon.........Now both TJ and GG are sleeping.

It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon.........Time for another snack. “I'm hungry” says TJ.  “Let's get a popsicle and go on the deck” answers GG.

It's 5 o'clock in the evening.........Time for Mama to come home from work.  “Mama I missed you!” exclaims TJ when his Mommy gets home.

It's 6 o'clock in the evening.........Time for dinner. Mom asks TJ, "do you want Macaroni and cheese for dinner?" "Alright," answers TJ. "TJ," says Mom, "It's, 'yes please or no thank you." "Alright," says TJ.

It's 7 o'clock in the evening.........Time for a bath, pajamas and a movie. “Hi Daddy!” shouts TJ when his dad comes home from work.

It’s 8 o'clock in the evening.........Time for bed and a good book. “Please read Things That Go” says TJ.

It’s 8 fifteen in the evening.........Time for love and kisses.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Mama!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Daddy!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Grandma GG!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Grandma MeMaw!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Papa Bill!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Papa Dave!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Aunt Sandy!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Aunt Sarah!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Aunt Lindsey!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Uncle Chad!” TJ replies.

“Who loves you TJ?” asks TJ’s mommy.

“Uncle Derek!” TJ replies.

“Who loves

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