Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Going to Chicago to see the Aquarium.....

When Jim was 1, 2, 3, 4, one of the things we played with were the dining room chairs. I would line up the chairs like a train. Trains were a BIG thing to little Jim. Jim had a playmate named Kee who was the same age as Jim. Kee was with us [I was her childcare provider 4 days a week.] for 4 years from 6 months of age until 4 1/2 years old. Her family moved away. Back to my train. Well everyone knows you have to go somewhere when you ride a train, so I pretended that our train was headed for Chicago to see the Aquarim. " Take us to Chicago Jim to see the Aquarium." Sometimes Kee was the engineer. We often visited THE HENRY FORD museum to see the trains. Jim loved the "Thomas the Tank" series. Well to make long story short-Jim IS going to Chicago this weekend TO SEE THE AQUARIUM!

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