Monday, April 26, 2010


While I was visiting NC and trying to burp baby TJ, it brought back memories of 36 years ago......I'm 23 and trying to burp my second child Dee [her older brother Tim is 4]. I'm not sure why, but Dee seemed harder to burp plus I was busier taking care of Tim too. My mother-in-law had the patience to sit for hhhhhhhhhhours getting baby Dee to burp. Knowing that my impatience was part of the problem, I resorted to pretending I was Ruth my mother-in-law. If you feel that you could do a better job, why not pretend to be someone that you feel is accomplishing the task. When I confessed my 'pretending' to my beautiful daughter-in-law Ann, said that she used to pretend to be a friend of hers who was much more socially adept the her. Everyday is a gift.............enjoy the present.

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