Friday, April 16, 2010


We all know 2 year olds have temper tantrums. Now days we like to call them meltdowns. Children are just getting to know their world and many things are not understandable to them. Preteens are dealing with a lot in their lives. Teenagers are a challenge. I'm sorry to say that a lot of adults don't handle life with as much control as they expect a child/teen to have. Jim was at an Easter egg drop with me and my then man friend Rex. Jim was 5 years old. There was a promise of a prize in the plastic eggs. When Jim opened his egg, he was very disappointed [meltdown] at the cheapness of the prize. He got mad and stormed off toward the car. Easter was in April and there were mud puddles. Rex did not want mud in his car; got angry as any 6 foot man should when the POSSIBILITY OF MUD IN HIS CAR was imminent and threatened to spank Jim if he stepped in the mud. Grown man meltdown. It was difficult to tell who was the bigger baby; the five year old who was disappointed and had very little control over his emotions or the 56 year old.

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