Wednesday, April 14, 2010


The house is 90 % empty. It sounds different. When I look and SEE how much is missing/gone, I get tired thinking about the amount effort it took to get this far. It is a daunting thing to empty a house after accumulating stuff for 40 years. But- it didn't get here all in one day and it will take many days to remove it. One day at a time. It is also liberating not to own a zillion things. If you truly think about it, how much stuff do we REALLY need? I had so much stuff that if I boxed it up, I would forget that I even owned it. Speaking of daunting ----when I think of the effort, time, and energy it took to 'child care' Jim, I sometimes think the prospect of doing it AGAIN 14 years later is insanity. Will I be attentive, will I be energetic, will I be enough, will I ......???? A journey begins with one step - then another - soon 10, 50, 300. One step at a time-one day at a time.

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