Monday, April 16, 2012

15 Months............................later.

Well a lot has happened in the 15 months since I last blogged. I'm not sure, but I think, living with my son and daughter in law [I now live in a small apartment] put a spell on my blogging. That or I was lazy. I did turn some my early blogs into a book for each grandson. I'm happy living alone, if you can call one dog, one cat and seven birds [three cages] alone. I'm not a fan of TV and the birds add a cheerful noise. Today the female canary is sitting in the seed dish fluttering her feathers, while her male cage mate is feeding her. I don't know what he could be feeding her, since she has her fluffy feathered self hiding all the food. Ah spring..........all of life seems to be trying to reproduce. I found tree seedling in the playground wood chips, and explained to TJ that great big trees sent seeds down to the ground, trying to start a new tree. After lunch, TJ and Lily had a bath...........not together, just at the same time [Lily in the shower next to the tub]. TJ had fun painting the tub and himself with some washable [sort of] paint. He is still a little pink on belly and chest. Potty training is a topic now. TJ was naked on the deck after his successful art project, and I told him 'no peeing on the deck'. Soon I heard him say 'no peeing on the deck' so I told him to pee on a bush near the deck. SUCCESS!!!!

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