Sunday, April 29, 2012

Page 17) Kenzie is 2 1/2..... 9-5-98

Kenzie on the phone:" talk, talk talk....... Bye see you later OK?"
Kenzie after being given something: "OH, thank you"
If I suggest something "let's play trains..." you say, "good IDEA"
Happy Halloween! You are dressed as a firefighter this year. Tom was here passing out candy. I am so proud of you! You are only 2 and 3/4 years old and can move the mouse/arrow on the computer. you can get the cursor on anything you want. You luv the program "Just Grandma and me" You didn't like us to read to you when you were little, but I found the 'Little Critter" books by Mercer Mayer and now I can read to you all the time.
We [you and I] have been playing 'pig pile' for a long time. Grandma and Kelli or Tom or anyone will lay down and 'pile' on top of each other. The bottom person [pig] has to say 'oink' to get the other pigs off.
While I was on vacation last week, I found a heavy sculpture that was three pigs standing on top of each other. I bought it for you because it was the 'perfect' 'pig pile'. [Drawing of sculpture]. I missed you very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much while I was on vacation. You are special, funny, kind, sweet, smart, strong, and wonderful. You luv the movie "Babe"
You stayed with Dawn [mom's friend] while I was on vacation. I watch you every day your mom goes to work. You were not happy staying with 'Dawn'. "I don't like your kitchen, I like my Grandma's kitchen."
Mom said you slept in her bed for a month after I went on vacation, sorry.
We went to 'Frankenmouth' on a city bus [your first time on ANY bus]. You were excited. Kenzie, " Mama, you, me on the city bus."

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