Saturday, April 28, 2012


On the way into the bird store [for bird food], TJ spotted grocery shopping carts outside a store. A grocery store named FOOD LION was near the bird store. I told TJ that we could go into the food store after we bought bird food. After being scared have to death by an uncaged blue Macaw, we left the bird store $25 dollars poorer. I hope my parrotlets are thrilled with food that costs more than porterhouse steak! True to my promise [he didn't forget and again saw the shopping carts], we walked over to the carts. They had three kinds; regular with a seat for a child, a smaller cart - no child seat and a big blue kid front facing [I thought he had said "blue cart" before]. TJ chose the no child seat smaller cart. GG, " TJ that one doesn't have a 'child seat'". LOL! HE wanted the one HE could push. So into the store we marched, with the 2 year old steering the cart. First stop the produce section. TJ picked up an apple and put into the cart and preceded to do the same with a couple of oranges, bananas, grapes, and tomatoes! What a wonderful sight.... a 30 inch shopper who pushed his own cart and knew exactly what he wanted to buy.

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