Monday, April 30, 2012

No, thank you.

TJ is 25 months old tomorrow and some one [ones] have been teaching him to be polite.
GG, "TJ do you want some more orange?" TJ, " no thank you."
GG, " TJ do you want to watch a 'Thomas" DVD? TJ, "no thank you." Amazing!
And he ASKS if he can do something, "can I put the truck into the water?" "yes, TJ and thank you for asking".
He was counting his 'Hot Wheel' cars. Not perfect but very close. Up to seventeen.
TJ put a clear empty cookie tub on his head and then wore it for a while.
He thinks chasing Lily the dog around the house with a plastic truck is most hilarious. He laughs uproariously when he startles her. If I say "TJ!" he leans over to give her a big hug.

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