Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TJ said, "I love you"

The theme for today seems be water. The day started with TJ in the bathtub playing with tub paint and crayons. The baby gets painted as much as the walls of the tub. Tub art, I luv it! I don't know why, but I like to let the water run slowly into the bath. It take 15-20 minutes for it to reach navel high. When TJ turns into a prune it's time for a complete towel wrap, rocking and a song. 'Rock a bye baby'. The routine ends with me dumping [baby will fall] TJ on the bed. I have and will continue to wrap TJ in a towel and sing until I can no longer pick him up or modesty prevails. Which ever comes first. [I started this tradition with baby Mack]. I doubt M. remembers. After the bath I took TJ to 'Discovery Kids' in Huntersville NC. It is a giant museum just for kids with a train table, fire truck, building materials, stage, kid size cafe and grocery store. I forgot to mention water tables............. many water tables. In the car over, "TJ, no water play today. You just colored in the tub for an hour, and I don't have a extra shirt, if you get all wet." I did have extra pants. [They do provide water 'aprons' which I discovered are totally useless for keeping kids dry]. Well I suppose you have figured out what attracted TJ the most.... First his long sleeves got wet, [I had pushed the up.] then the front of the shirt and at the end there was a quarter size dry spot on the very back. And the pants were soaked in front. Well he did have a great time. I took the shirt off and put on the vest/jacket TJ wore over his shirt [I had removed it as it got warmer]. We ate lunch across the street and returned to the scene of the flood. TJ did visit many other play areas including the art room [he is smitten with scissors]. All and all we had a great time at 'Discovery kids' TJ asked for a vending machine juice when we were leaving. He wanted to put the dollar into the slot. So I pulled over a chair [TJ weighs 30 #s], he reached up and slid the money into the slot. I told him he could drink the apple juice when he was buckled into his car seat. While I was strapping him in he said [out of the blue] "I love you".

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