Tuesday, April 24, 2012

To the Rescue.

Everyday that I'm with TJ, I try to emphasize one concept. Today it was 'to the rescue'. I'm quite sure the concept has been introduced to him through his 'Thomas the Train' DVDs. I brought up the subject while we were playing at the park in the sandbox. A few feet away, one of his small trucks was turned on its side. I said, 'TJ, push the big dump truck over to the small overturned truck. Dump truck to the RESCUE!". [We were at the park 4 hours today.] Then I remembered that my car wouldn't start [broken] yesterday. I said, " remember my broken Mercury yesterday? The tow truck and tow truck driver came to the rescue. They fixed my car." Later today, before it was time to go home........... I was reading TJ a book that I had not read to him before. Wouldn't you know it, [from 'Stuart Little'] Snowbell the white cat rescues Stuart the mouse.
From out of the blue, TJ said," Sophie [my daughters dog] ate my new Woody/Buzz ball." This happened in Feb/March in Michigan. It's been 6 weeks since he has seen Sandy or Sophie.

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