Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring 2012

It's hard to believe that it is 2012. I remember anticipating 1976 - the bicentennial year. 1776-1976 There were many years that I looked forward to and dreaded the BIG 2000. That year was special for the obvious reasons and it marked my 1/2 century birthday. I can think back to when I was a kid thinking 'WOW I'll be 50 in 2000'! Well here it is already 2012. I applied for Social Security as soon as I was eligible. My first check will enter by bank account the 3rd Wednesday in May. There are silver linings to getting older. And not so 'silver linings', my Dad at 87 has had Alzheimer's for a couple of years. Let's hope I didn't get THAT gene. If I do, let's hope I don't notice.

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