Friday, June 29, 2012

Same ol' same ol'

There was a lot about this week that was the same as last week, the week before and the week before that. There are things to complain about and there are things to marvel at. I think I will skip the complaining, because why complain if there is not a whole lot you can do about it or maybe you just might have to get off your butt and do something about it. Yoga is good. I have a friend to go with now. We go twice a week. Plus, I get a piece of dark chocolate AND a foot massage [I would go just for the massage!]. TJ is understanding that letters make words. He is doing a great job of pretend play with his trains.  Which reminds me, he seems to like staying at home or my apartment playing with his toys rather than going somewhere.  I'm sure that will change and change back again.  TJ is so well with his numbers that we have introduced o'clock to him.  Up at 7 o'clock - breakfast at 8 oclock - etc.We have been singing and reading about the days of the week. "Cookie's Week" is a cute book with lovely pictures.  No wonder 'english' is so difficult to learn, there are TWO or more words for almost everything........... trash/garbage - street/road - DVD/video/movie - oops sounds like complaining.

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