Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Our offer to rent the Mersham house in Charlotte NC was accepted today. How exciting!!! I'm sure Tim, Ann, and TJ and I will be very comfortable there. The three bedrooms are kinda small, but they are not for entertaining anyway. What goes on behind closed doors is not a spectator sport. I packed up all my mini creamers last night while I watch "Hurricane" with Denzel Washington. It seemed like a daunting task [ made much more doable when my sister Katrina did it with me for the move TO NC] but watching the movie made the time fly by. Good movie by the way. We're hoping to have a garage sale the first weekend in Nov. I wish my Dee and sisters were hear to help. Saturday I will 'garage sale' looking for a large dog crate to keep our outdoor/semi wild kitty Pepper in for a few weeks. Ann has been feeding her twice a day since she came to the doorwall as a kitten. She had a brother, but he probably met his demise. Pepper is spayed, gets her shots, and is flea medicated. She will let up pet her and Ann can pick her up.

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