Monday, October 4, 2010

I think about...........

.......things to write about in my blog, but most times I am not certain what I will write about even while I am typing. So, a few things that are excellent in my life: hot or cold coffee with lots of milk, A queen size bed all to myself, orange juice not reconstituted, toilet paper, pedicure, projects like painting or fixing up something, cats & dogs [Lily], baby skin and smiles, my children, grandchildren that need you, good movies, warm bathrooms, cool bedrooms, the intense flavor of fruit chewies, hugs from friend & family, trees, pink flowers, a car that always starts, non fiction books, foot or head rub, ceiling fans, schools bands, basketball [grandson], my computer and change. Things that scare me.............. having to support myself, anger [others] the seamier side of humans.

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