Friday, October 22, 2010

For Sure

Ann got the finial yes from the new company in Charlotte. She starts her new job Nov. 15th. We are going tomorrow to see a few rentals and hopefully find the one we all agree is the best. Ann wants 4 bedrooms and less than 15 minutes from work. Tim wants a BIG house and two car garage. I want a fenced in yard for Lily dog and a quiet neighborhood. Most rentals take pets with a fee [about $300. per pet]. It takes 3 hours to get from Raleigh to Charlotte. We will spend the night in Charlotte and come home Sunday. I have started to pack up things to move and get ready for a garage sale. My landlord here is a little taken aback by the suddenness of my moving. Off the subject...I have started painting my third painting. I'm getting quite attached to the first two painting. The first one looks like a garden and the second one is larger and shapes mostly rectangles. The one I am working on now is being painted 'without' a brush....I am using what is in nature; flower, grass, tomato, leaves as a carrier for my color choices. It's interesting.

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