Monday, October 25, 2010

A busy time for us.

We found an older house [1988] in a mature neighborhood. Driving up our treed street makes the stress of the day melt away. It's everything we wanted; 2500 sqft and big garage for Tim, fantastic kitchen WITH a cook Island and wooded backyard [no grass] for Ann and front porch and 9 minutes from Ann's work, quiet and fireplaces [2] for me and an incredible master suite with two skylights - two ceiling fans - and a bay window to look out at the park/backyard. A greenway path and community pool for everyone. Let's hope they take our offer. I will know more Wednesday. Now the packing and garage sale will keep us busy. TJ is happy and getting ready to stand/crawl. He is a good eater. Today he was singing to himself/me while I pushed him in the stroller. [I'm usually the one singing to him].

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