Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm excited........

Friday is the day Tim, TJ, & I fly to Michigan to see family and attend a wedding. Ann can not get the time off work. She will miss her baby boy terribly. This will be TJ second time on an airplane and he's only 6 months old. There are some grown ups that haven't EVER been on an airplane. I wish there was a direct train system from Raleigh to Dearborn. I think I would enjoy a one day rail trip. Tim will be riding someones bike in Michigan. We both will try to do everything - see everyone we can in the week we will be there. My blogging will suffer next week because I will be having so much fun. Soon I will not want to see snowy Michigan. The heat this summer in NC was brutal, but ...... it didn't mess up my gutters, prevent me from driving [white knuckled] and I don't have to SHOVEL it. The snow people can come and see me...............................in sunny warm NC!

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