Friday, October 1, 2010

6 months old today!

Well the reason I'm in NC turned 6 months old today. And what a beautiful day it was. Some rain in the am then sunny and 72 degrees. Ann had the day off to prepare for her second interview with the company in Charlotte NC that she is looking to work at. Ann thinks the interview went very well and she might start working there as soon as Oct 18Th. We're all excited about the change. Well maybe TJ's not too excited about moving, but he gets excited every day about everything. The dog and cat excite him, as do his play balls and bottle. I stared walking him after his first nap and he stays awake the whole time. He met four small children today and took in all the things that are so new to him. Seeing the world through a child's eyes opens a whole new aspect of neighborhood, things and life. It feels good to stop and smell [taste] the roses. Live, love, laugh.

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