Thursday, October 28, 2010

Between a rock and a hard place.

This blog is not ABOUT me, it's about life. Today I need to rant about the situation I'm in. Many years ago I lost a tooth that was very important. Since my head surgery in 1980 I have favored my left side for chewing. There was a bridge on that side, but the back tooth holding it in place decayed. If I wanted to chew my food [on that side], I would need a fake tooth. $5000. and serious discomfort later I had an implant. I swore I would never do it again except for a front tooth. Five years after the implant, the titanium post holding the crown on - broke - good bye tooth. Six years later I get a blister on my gum where the broken post is. I think that it might be cancer, so I go to the oral surgeon in Mi that I have been to before, hoping that he will biopsy the gum. Dr. Bliss says that it's an infection not cancer. He put me on antibiotics. He's not sure if the post is causing the infection but the tooth just in front looks decayed under it's crown, so he's pulls it out. The gum is infected again. I want to delay removing the post embedded in my jaw bone until after the move to Charlotte in case I need follow up appointments. Meanwhile I have to get rid of the infection. I called Dr. Bliss today hoping to get a stronger antibiotic and see if that takes care of the problem. "Sorry..can't give drugs without seeing you in the office. Dr Bliss TOLD you that this could/would happen. Good bye." So I'm without an Oral surgeon and an MD in Raleigh soon - to be in Charlotte. Urgent care here I come.... to be continued.

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