Tuesday, October 26, 2010


There is one spot in my neighborhood that is so quiet that I can hear the grass grow. I may be totally deaf in one ear but, the hearing in the other ear is VERY acute. Sometimes I have to wear an ear plug in the good ear, just to hear at a normal level. Back to the neighborhood; I appreciate quiet, no car noise, no airplane, no traffic noise, no lawn mower noise, no dogs barking, and nothing to disturb the silence, not even a bird. It was just amazing to hear only my foot steps. The stroller was/is quiet and Lily dog wasn't making any noise. I may be wrong but, it seems that we live in a very noisy world. I can't even stand to have a TV as background noise. NOISE POLLUTION is real, just open the new biodegradable 'Sun Chips' bag. GIVE me an EARPLUG!

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