Thursday, September 23, 2010


There was a big pink/orange full moon low in the sky at 6:50 this morning. It reminded me of harvest moon except I thought harvest moon was in October. It doesn't FEEL like fall - it's 90+ degrees today. Thank goodness it's not humid and that it cools down at night now. We set a lot of high temperatures records this summer and it was HOT ---- HOTTER than usual. There is NOTHING you can't find on the Internet. Well, except for some good putting a ice cube into a baby bottle before you put it in the refrigerator for later, freezing baby yogurt is like ice cream, teaching baby to hold/drink from a cup [not sippy] in the bath is less messy, when changing a diaper...putting clean diaper under dirty diaper keeps baby's bottom off surfaces, an inch of water in the kitchen sink is enough to make baby smile and splash, giving baby a wet baby wash cloth while feeding him/her helps keep the food mess down. I'll keep posting new hints as I think of them. Enjoy LIFE!

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