Tuesday, September 28, 2010

yesterday & today

Well yesterday was catch up on "normal" life. Tim is working one hour overtime some days, so my day job is one hour longer. I would stay and visit with Tim till 5pm, but he was there to take care of TJ. Now I am out of there as soon as Tim gets home so I can start recharging my batteries for the next day. There was no recharging last weekend when Tim and Ann left after work Friday and came home @ 6:30 pm Sunday. They took an anniversary weekend in Charlotte NC. There is a pretty good reason that mother nature [god] doesn't give infants to single 60 year old women....... [even 60 year old woman with a 60 year old man]...... we don't have the stamina a younger woman has. My right [non dominate] wrist hurts and I figured out why when I tried to hold TJ under the arms to facilitate his dancing to the music....oh my g _ _. I told you 60 year old women are fragile. While I was at Target tonight, I purchased a wrist brace....hoping that it will help the situation. TJ ate like a lumber jack today.

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