Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Tim and Ann are going away this weekend to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They asked me if I would take care of TJ while they rest and play. Of course I said yes and I'll watch him at my house because I want to sleep in my own bed. TJ is back to waking up once or twice during the night, but he goes to bed at 8pm and gets up about 6am. TJ and I have been spending a couple of hours at my house so it won't be too strange for him. And in about 3 weeks Tim and I will fly with TJ to Michigan to attend a family wedding. Our family can't wait to meet him. I'm sure we won't lack people that want to hold, feed and change him. It will probably feel like a vacation for Tim and me. TJ is so animated, that I'm always surprised when he wants to stop playing and take a nap. My days are zooming along. Happy on

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