Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Every day is special.

Today is my first day back to Granny Nanny Child care. What a great day it was. TJ and I started the day with music videos, then a hour walk with Lily (TJ fell asleep), eating and nap. TJ has changed since I last saw him 10 days ago. The trip to Michigan was wonderful. Not too short not too long. Although I would love to see Jim everyday. He started High School today, but had an orientation while I was there. I got to see his beautiful Detroit Country Day School. We stayed at the new house in Beverly Hills, three blocks from DCDS. What a blast for Jim to live so close to his new school. My sisters were glad to see me, as I was to see them. Dee was very sweet and made sure I had everything I needed. Even the ex was helpful, lending me a car to drive. Yeh!

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