Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The day after Monday

Monday is for baking bread -yum - hot homemade bread with real butter. It has been too hot to heat up the whole oven/house just to bake one loaf of bread a week this summer....so I have tried very unsuccessfully to make a decent loaf of bread in the 'bread machine' - I give up......yesterday. It worked once when I used ALL 'Bread' flour, but it had the consistency of Wonder bread- yuk! So.... I am just going to have to bake bread the way I was taught when I was knee high to my mother. Mix, kneed, rise, kneed, shape, rise again and bake in real oven. We didn't have 'bread machines' when I was learning to cook. Come to think of it, I see a lot of them in garage sales. Speaking of garage sales....my favorite words are clearance - sale and 'garage sale'. Give my a few yard sales on a Saturday morning and I am happy as a 'clam'?????? [Why clam???] Today Ann stayed home from work because she was up all night with the baby. Nothing wrong - just fussy/teething. TJ does new captivating [to us] things every day. So much fun to watch. Enjoy life!

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