Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The day after Tuesday

What a glorious morning for a walk with TJ and Lily. It was soooooooo nice that I added a 1/4 mile to the usual route. It made me sad though, to say; " Hi, do you have a dog?" to a young boy standing alone waiting for the school bus. Never looking at me, TJ or Lily, he turned away from us and mumbled under his breath, "I'm waiting for the bus." We all know why he chose aloofness instead of friendliness. But it never ceases to sadden me that we have to be so caution. TJ is growing up in that world. And the parents of the little [9?] year old boy, what were they thinking leaving him alone on a street corner. On a happier note, my hour walk everyday keeps my spirits up and worry never solved anything or make it go away.

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