Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Arugla does not make a good smoothie.

Almost every evening I make a green smoothie. Take juice and an apple or pineapple and fresh or frozen spinach, blend well. Do not add arugula bought at the farm market to make arugula pesto that is not getting fresher by the day, so you add it to the above mentioned smoothie..................yuck. Way to peppery to eat in such quantity. So I added a blueberry Greek yogurt thinking that it would tame the taste [somewhat]. Well I ate it [14 grams of protein were NOT going to waste]. I'm pretty creative about not throwing away food. I maybe throw away 5% of what I buy. Nice to have a dog who eats anything. Lily...... Arugula. Today my little grandson TJ, counted his trucks that were lined up against the hearth. He has counted them before, but a big person was pointing to each truck. Without being asked to count, TJ started with one [and two and three and four.etc] touching each truck as he said a number. He does put the 'and' between numbers, funny guy. The amazing thing is no one asked him to count his trucks and he got to fifteen [last one] without missing a number or truck!
TJ, "I'm sitting on my knees".
GG, " I'm sitting on my butt and Lily is sitting on her butt. Dogs have a very small butts"
TJ, " GG has a bug butt!" like I said................funny guy!

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