Thursday, May 3, 2012

Took a cruise AGAIN last night.

There are dreams and...................there are 'potty' dreams. When my body knows that I should relieve the pressure building up in my bladder, my brain decides to send me 'potty' dreams. Missing boarding a cruise ship is a favorite of my brain. Can't find my luggage, don't have the 'right' clothes, can't figure out how to get to the dock, can't remember what ship I'm supposed to be on. Invariably the is someone, on board ship that is getting mad at me for being so late. If it is not a cruise ship, another favorite of my grey matter, is losing my homework, forgetting where my classroom is, can't remember what my locker number is [nobody mad except me]. My all time favorite 'potty' dream, involves not being able to find a bathroom. They're broken, they're not where somebody told me they were. These are the three favorite of my brain. Any dream where I can't accomplish something, is a 'potty' dream. It seems like hours that I'm frustrated, confused and desperate. But.......I eventually get up and pee.

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