Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feeling guilty.

My ID keeps telling me to blog, but my brain and procrastination gene keep me away.
It has been one week since I last blogged. What in the world would be interesting enough to write about. My past? Seems boring/ don't care to think about it. The present? Not very interesting. The future? I had all Friday, all Saturday, all Sunday, all Monday and most of today [Tuesday] to write. I even forgot to blog from Mack's journal on Sunday. It would seem that my life was so busy/fascinating, that I didn't have time to blog..... not true. I try to live in the moment, to smell the roses. And it is usually important to have something to look forward to. Even if it is just yard sailing on Saturday morning. It is something I enjoy very much. I enjoy taking my dog for a walk. Reading a good book [non-fiction] passes the non TJ time. I like the Internet for all the information it has, but the flashing ads are annoying. Have I wasted my life? Probably not. I raised two lovely children despite adverse conditions. My two lovely children have given me two incredible grandsons that I have had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with. And, if I'm VERY lucky............. I might get to see a great grandchild or two. I didn't preform brain surgery, go to college, write a great novel, see the world, or solve war. But, I got to raise my children myself and help them raise two extraordinary boys!

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