Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trains in the sky.

While driving today with TJ in the back child seat, he said, " train in the sky". Sure enough, the cloud right in front of us was in the shape of a train engine..........using lots of imagination. TJ pushed the pedals on his tricycle today. The grade of the sidewalk was perfect [one way] to help him. He looks at his feet instead of where he is going. Before, if you asked him if he wanted to ride his bike, he said,"no thank you". This time he saw it in the trunk of my 'Mercury', and said "please" rubbing his chest in ASL for 'please'. We were at the park when he saw it in the trunk. "TJ, what does P-a-r-k spell?" "Park", he says. "What does 'G-o' spell". "Go" he says. It would be very hard to describe what it was like to eat lunch at a restaurant with a tired 2 year old. There wasn't any whining or crying, he stayed on the booth bench, but squirm, talk, fidget, and cling to me he did. I was too hungry to pay too much attention to his antsy, except when he balanced himself between the booth back and the table by putting his shoes against the table edge. That way he could be suspended off the seat. TJ is having a difficult time learning to share. If he thinks another child might even 'think' about playing with what he has, he gathers everything up into his arms [like train cars], and then is unable to enjoy playing. LOL Children come into the world so uncivilized. What a joy to show/teach them to become a member of a civilized culture.

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