Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Life with TJ is a journey.......we're not in any rush to get there - we are living in the moment. I guess, small children are the best at living in the moment - stop and smell the roses. Many of us would be happier, if we didn't think about the past or worry about the future. TJ; money - no - no worry..... bills - no worry......past mistakes - no worry. True there are many things that are scary because they are not understood, but there is nothing like a warm loving parent/GG to make you feel safe. So we live life moment to moment. No time line - no dead lines - no one is waiting for us. We do smell the flowers, bugs, birds, clouds, rocks [especially rocks] sticks, weeds and everything and anything. TJ made a big leap in socialization today. A neighbor girl [3] was playing at GG's house. When she touched a toy, TJ's first reaction was one of astonishment at the injustice of it all. Then he sat down and played with the same puzzle as the girl. HE SHARED one of his very own toys. Bigger kids have taken away his things and he was very touchy about children touching his things. Very often TJ would hoard as much as he could possibly hold so no one would take them.
Peachy [canary] has been sitting on four eggs for a week now. Maybe we will have baby birds next week.

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