Wednesday, June 13, 2012

as told to me by Jes....

Last night TJ bit his Mom. Jes was very crabby and gave TJ a time out on the couch. TJ crying hard, " Mommy loves TJ, Mommy loves TJ, Mommy loves TJ. Mama puts TJ on the couch. Daddy puts TJ on the couch. GG doesn't put TJ on the couch, GG loves Hunny Bunny."
Today I took Hunny Bunny to get his hair cut. "Not today...thank you," said TJ. "Yes today TJ, it doesn't hurt. [He doesn't like the cut hair all over his face.] "No, thank you" said TJ. BJ has cut his hair 4-5 times before. He knows that BJ cuts his hair. "No, thank you". I sat TJ on my lap and BJ started to cut. Arms, hands and a head were flying all over with much crying. You would have thought BJ was pulling hair out one by one for all the drama. If there were any 'no thank you's among the crying, I was oblivious to it with just trying to get TJ's head still. After his hair cut BJ gave him a sucker. TJ told his mom later, " not a very good sucker."

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