Wednesday, June 20, 2012


TJ pooped in the bathtub yesterday. The poor baby was mortified. Jes said, " it's ok TJ don't cry, I'll just clean you up." While Jes was cleaning his little poopy bottom, TJ said, " Mommy's trying to put poop back in." LOL
More and more TJ seems to be grasping the concept that different letters together make a word. He understands that d-o-g spells/means dog.
Today, while on the deck outside in his diaper only, he said, "diaper off please, so I can pee on bush." [We have been encouraging peeing on the bush.] A naked TJ peed on the bush 'twice' in the morning.
He used to love being outside, but I think the mosquito bites make him want to be in. He is playing out scenes from his 'Thomas the Tank Engine' DVD's with and without an audience [me].

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