Thursday, June 7, 2012

If you can't find TJ, head for the park.

My friend and I did 'breakfast' today. It was very nice to listen/talk to an adult that is NOT your family. Friends have other interesting things to talk about besides diapers/poop. So once in a while, I get the chance to have adult time. This time I have away from TJ, recharges my battery. TJ is 26 months old and can pedal a tricycle, if there is a gentle decline to the cement. His dad wants him to ride a 'balance' bike. The balance bike is very short, has two wheels and no pedals. Kids just 'walk' with the bike in between their legs. TJ loves it! Today I put him on the tricycle, but he was frustrated on the inclines. I took him into the garage to get the 'adult push' tricycle, so I could stand up straight while pushing him from behind. He wasn't having anything to do with it. He chose to straddle the balance bike and wear a helmet. He walked/straddled, up the street to the corner. "TJ do you want to turn around and go home", I asked. "No, TJ going to the park", he answered. We turned left. At the next corner, "TJ, do you want to go home?" " No, TJ going to the park" At the bridge, half way to the park. "TJ do you want to turn around and go back?" "No, TJ riding to the park". I'm thinking about the long walk back to the house, with a tired kid and a small black bike. I'm sure TJ wasn't thinking about the return trip. The bridge is over a small stream and it's down hill to it and uphill after it. The walk/bike ride down was just a matter of not letting gravity rip the bike away. The uphill was daunting. TJ, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" over and over until we were on top of the incline. During this 'no turning back' moment of the walk, I texted Jes to come and rescue me after her hair appointment. Thank goodness, this adventure to the park was AFTER her normal work hours. TJ just kept on trucking until we finally reached the park and................... I could push him on the swings. He knew EVERY correct turn/street to get to the park. [He did the ride/walk with Tom last Sunday]. "GG climb up the stairs?" There was a double slide that TJ wanted me to slide/race down with him. I won once, he won twice. I'm 62 years old/young. I'm tired. Thankfully just as TJ climbed back on his bike to return home, Jes pulled up into the lot. Did I mention that I had already pushed TJ on the neighbors swing and had been 'pushing' him [bent over] on his trike. I'm tired.

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