Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Never look back.

I just watched an old movie called 'The Big Chill'. A bunch of late 30's former college friends throw together by the suicide of one of the group. All spending the weekend, telling each other how much they miss 'the good old days' of college and friendship. What a sad bunch. Maybe I'm missing something here, there is no time in my past life, that I would like to revisit. I like the past to stay in the 'past'. I live in the here and now. As long as my life has purpose, I will be a happy woman. My grandchildren are the frosting on the cake. I was too young when I had my children, and didn't do every thing right. I'm grateful for the chance to be an awesome 'GG' to my children's children. I found 'the fountain of youth' 'immortality'..... offspring. Everyday I have left in this life is 'The Big Kahona"!

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