Sunday, June 10, 2012

Page 21) Feb 4, 1999

[Mackenzie almost 3]. " Kenzie, who is my best boy?" ...... "ME!"
Yesterday we played 'hide and seek'. You put your head on your hands, closed your eyes and counted to 10, while GG hid. You let Kelli look first, while you stood behind her. You are a great baseball player and quite a good pitcher. You are not even three yet, and can do your 'Thomas the Tank' puzzle all by yourself. It has 24 large pieces.
You like trains the best, and baseball, dancing, you sing everyday, movies and french fries. You can shut down the computer small job.
February 5th.
Tom had to go to the bathroom [we had just woken him up]. He started to pee. Kenzie on the hall side of the door, "Tom are you peeing?". Tom, "yeah buddy". [Pee hitting the water loudly].
Kenzie, pushing the door open, "are you sure?" Tom laughing, "very sure buddy".
One of your 'Barney' tapes has kids saying their alphabet in French which is similar but different a little and you are repeating the 'French' way.
February 5th.
We were walking to our car after visiting the Henry Ford Museum', I saw a very short 'stop sign' just off the curb and said, " Kenzie, go and touch the cute stop sign" "OK GG" You were the same size as the sign. "P-O-T-S; STOP" you said.
February 19th.
Soon you will be three. You are a very special and smart boy. You sing all the time. "I love you, you love me, we're a very happy family. With a great big hug and kiss from me to you. Won't you say you love me too", Recited as plain as day.
Also...."Go to sleep my baby, my baby, my're so beautiful to me; can't you see. You're everything I hoped for. You're everything I need. From 'The Little Raskels' movie.
'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.......'ABC'......You can recite word for word the three books Mom reads to you before bed.'
Your favorite color is 'green'.

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