Sunday, June 24, 2012

Page 22] Feb 19th 1999

You luv trains, engines and especially the 'rods' on the wheels of the steam locomotives. We play trains with 'legos', play dough and art. We buy and watch 'train tapes' [VHS]. You luv your 'Thomas the Train' movies. We make trains out of chairs, tables, dominoes, couches and everything. One of your first pretend games when you were 1 year old, was to line up your letters on the floor. GG asked, "what is that"? Mack said, "train". It was amazing to watch your mind work. You are very concerned with other children crying. You will put your arm around them and ask, " are you all right"? Yesterday we were in the kitchen playing with 'play dough' and Mom was on the computer upstairs. She sneezed and you yelled " Bless you Mom." She said "thank you Kenzie" You replied' " you're welcome Mom." Then she sneezed again, "Bless you Mom."
Feb 28, 1999 YOU ARE 3!
Today is your birthday party. I'm going to take movies. Yesterday mom cleaned house while you and I spent time together. You looked at your side of the bedroom and said to your Mom, " Mama, you cleaned up". When you go pee or poop in the toilet I say, "thank you Kenzie, and you say, "oh you're welcome Grandma". You like me to take the back lid off the tank so you can watch the water go down and the flapper come up.
These are the things that you say to me everyday...... 1] Let's go to Greenfield Village, 2] Let's go to the farm and see pigs and ducks [too wet-too cold], 3] Let's go to Diedra's school and find her [what school?] and 4] Let's go to Rekha's and see Uncle Craig's big ENGINE!'

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