Friday, June 15, 2012


Seems like throwing things is getting out of hand with my 2 year old Hunny Bunny [TJ]. I made TJ worry about my being mad at him, when I scolded him for throwing his red wooden stool. I certainly don't want that little boy worried about my love for him. Scolding seems like a loss of llove to him. After I reaffirmed that I loved him, TJ said "are you happy now?" A better way to handle throwing things, is to just remove the projectile and let him know that tossing anything besides a ball is not acceptable; all said and done without a hint of crossness. Anger is never a good option. The crazy thing is that I DID remove the 3 lbs hand weight that TJ was chucking [ it even made a dent in the faux wood floor] and put it up on the mantel where it was out of harms way. GG, " you drop that thing on your toe, and you will cry for a long time." I should have just removed the stool [and the truck] as smoothly as I removed the dumbbell. I have even been keeping Lily [my dog] away from TJ, because he can't resist pulling her tail. He loves to hug her, but it leads to pulling on parts of her that she doesn't want pulled.

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