Saturday, June 2, 2012

Thinking about the future

TJ wasn't well at the beginning of this week, he had a fever and acted sick. By Thursday he was feeling better so I took him back to the YMCA for his 'Play Room' time [about 45 minutes]. Two year olds play in the 'Red Room' and 3 years olds are in the 'Blue Room'. TJ went into the Red Room where Miss Sarah watches/plays with the 2 years olds. On Friday Miss Sarah said, " TJ is too mature for the 2 year old class, I moved him over to the 'Blue Room". I had asked Sarah the first day, if she would move TJ to the older class if he seemed too old for her class. I'm glad she did. And I'm sure TJ feels more comfortable. While TJ is playing in his "Play Room' I'm riding the stationary bike in the fitness room. So................., about the future.......TJ will probably need a different kind of learning then the 'Charlotte Schools' can offer. Their school rating is not very good. I can see private school or a move to a better school district in his future. That is the nice thing about 'renting' a house, flexibility!

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