Thursday, March 3, 2011


On Mondays and Thursdays, I take TJ to the library for story hour. The same child that doesn't like me out of his sight at home - NEVER stays near me during story time. He is busy crawling around; exploring. He looks all adults in the eye. He takes things from the other kids [usually they don't mind]. And he very rarely looks to see where I am. One time he was between two adults and wasn't too sure he was happy, but when he made eye contact with me, off he went. When the bubbles are gone and the toys come out, he's in heaven. I think he likes being with the other kids. Today he followed [crawling] the story teller around when she was passing out bells to shake [for a song]......she hadn't given one to him yet and he wanted one. One of the mom's brought waffles for her kids [they/we were staying for the second story hour].....yup; he got one.

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