Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A new normal.

The smell of fresh brewed coffee wakes me up. Tim has settled into a work schedule; M T-TH F S. He leaves @ 9:30am and comes home @ 6:45ish. Ann works M-F leaves @ 8:15am and comes back @ 5:15pm. Ann and I have a few minutes before Tim comes home to discuss what TJ did all day; over a glass of wine. I have Wednesday AM or PM to do what I want. And all day Sat/Sun. Evenings are spent reading or a movie or computer time. Life is good. Speedy seemes to have survived his weekend trip to the emergency Vet. He's eating and pooping. If he eats too much at once he will throw up and Lily gets a warm treat. Lily eats anything, everything and too much. TJ has become her best friend since he has been throwing food off his high chair. TJ and I eat, play, and nap. We go to the library once or twice a week. Weekends are for 'garage sales'.

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