Saturday, March 5, 2011

Page 5.) 4-27-98

Your favorite word[s] today are 'no way'. You also learned s-h-i-t from a movie you went to see 'Sandlot'. You call the movie 'baseball hat'
Your first real movie that you would watch all way through was ' Toy Story' .... you called it 'buzz' [I would ask you if it was too scary....'no Grandmas'].
Then you luvd 'Air Bud' .... then ' Andre' ......then 'Sandlot'.


You can talk very well. You are 26 months old. Everyone tells mom and me that you are 'so beautiful'
When you and Kelli are in the double stroller together, people stop and say ' they are so adorable'. I say ' Thanks'.
You luv your black plastic bat, your yellow/red car 'driving' , mom's and my car, suckers, the park, balls, candy and potatoes.

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