Friday, March 25, 2011

When your life is not just about YOU.

Can't say that I ever wanted to grow up to be a ________??? I probably would have been a good teacher, nurse, researcher, accountant. Actually, I would have been good at what ever I did, I just couldn't decide what I wanted to do. My sister said that she was determined to never rely on a 'man' for financial support [they could leave -like our father did]. Me...I was always afraid to HAVE to support myself, but that could/did lead to low self esteem; when someone has financial power over you. When I was 50 I became a realtor. I liked it so much I thought 'this is what I want to be - when I grow-up'. Then the housing market killed any enjoyment I had. There was a time that I regretted not going to college, but not any more. Life is short. The most satisfaction I ever got out of living, is when I was thinking/doing for others.

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