Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Today was a little frustrating. TJ was NOT happy unless I carried him around [too heavy] or was engaged in every little thing he did. I was on 'duty' from 8am until 5:20 pm. Tim started working yesterday, which is not a whole lot different from previous days, but it must be comforting to have an adult to talk to throughout the day. Plus when Tim was here, I could give TJ to him for his afternoon nap. Today felt like a high maintenance day. TJ seemed to need a nap from 1:30 on; until we both feel asleep at 4pm in the big soft rocker that I used to rock Jay in. It was a fitful sleep; TJ sucked on a milk bottle the entire time [1/2 hour] and my body twitched too much to get any real rest. I was going to go to the store, but I'm too tired.

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