Friday, March 11, 2011


Today is Friday 3-11-11. TJ woke up with a fever and was sleepy all day. He had very little to eat or drink. His Mom said "let the fever do what it supposed to do [kill germs]". So I rocked, sang and caressed him when he wasn't sound asleep. I got nothing done [nothing to do], napped and ate pizza for lunch. The day passed without dragging toooooooooo slowly. I was happy to sing and comfort a sick baby. When I was sick as a little kid, I remember being pampered. It didn't seem scary to be sick, although I remember crazy dreams if I had a fever. Tim used to clench his fists and mumble about a train coming. Even today, if I get sick, I like to massage 'Vicks' on my throat to give me a sense of childhood comfort. It probably doesn't do anything medicinal, but sure smells good. Memories...............

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