Monday, March 28, 2011

A Million things.

It seems like I have a million things that I should blog about. Some of them will fall into place this week as it gets closer to Friday. A lot happened this weekend. It rained, so no camping for the family. Instead, Ann worked on my taxes and efiled them. They should be easier next year. I found a site - that will help me turn my 'blog' into a book for my grandsons. After that is done, I will turn my 'childrens picture book' stories into books. I have written 20+ books. I'm going to end my 'blog 2 book' April 1st. That is TJ's birthday. I have been blogging for one year. I am turning 155+ blogs into 42 pages of text. Editing the blogs got me thinking in a million directions. Update: our cat 'Pepper' never returned after the second night at the new house. Very Sad. I'm not going to volunteer with the birds [too hot, noisy, far] but I may soon be bottle feeding kittens. Tim has been working at a bike shop for three weeks and received a offer to work 'Repair Manager' at a different bike shop. Today he gave the first bike shop, notice. More money, responsibility, no weekends. TJ has a cold/teething and is not feeling 100 %. He is starting to walk. Says..Mama, Daddy, ball, bowl, boom, and probably a lot of other words that we don't understand. He puts balls into everything. We find them all over. We found that if he wakes up from a nap with balls near him, he is in a better mood sooner. TJ is starting to play with Lily. They played 'tug of war' with a dog toy. I found/bought a red 'Radio Flyer' wagon this Sat. for $5.00!!!!! Lots to write this week

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