Monday, March 21, 2011

Growing up.

TJ is such a great boy. I sure all children are great, but TJ is the one I spend everyday with. True - I spent everyday with my own children, but then I was young and ambitious, had a demanding husband and a household to take care of. My life couldn't be any more opposite. I sometimes feel that I'm looking at TJ's baby/childhood under a magnifying glass. I see the slightest change. What an awesome gift - to see so much growth up close and personal. I did daycare my first grandson Jay when he was 6 months old but, I also had another 6 month old, Kelli, until she was 4. This time - no distractions. Jay's daycare grandma had more get up and go. They [Jay and TJ] have been lucky to have a grandma for their daycare...........and I have been blessed to be able to help raise them.

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